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Welcome To Pipeline Industry Benefit Fund  

Your Pipeline to Health Care and Financial Security Since 1964

The Pipeline Industry Benefit Fund is a Taft Hartley trust fund regulated by ERISA. The Plan is administered by the Board of Trustees and exists to provide health and retirement security to working men and women of the pipeline industry and their families.

The Fund is a joint effort by the signatory contractors and union to provide accident, health, and pension benefits for employees performing work under the United Associations National Pipeline Agreement.

This website represents the Fund’s goal of making access to the Fund and its benefits easier and faster than ever – with even greater responsiveness to your specific needs and concerns. Here you will find virtually everything you need to get reliable, up-to-the-minute Fund information and carry out a wide variety of transactions with the Fund.

NEW ID Cards Issued in March 2024 For a Select Group of Participants

BCBS of Illinois issued new ID cards for participants eligible for the new Zelis Price Comparison Tool with Member Rewards. The updated ID cards include the phone number for Member Rewards. The new ID card states, “Card Rev 3/2024,” on the front of the card in the lower left corner. Please discard any previously issued cards.

NOTE: The Zelis Price Comparison tool with Member Rewards is only available to participants with Active, COBRA, and Retiree Coverage without Medicare.

ATTENTION: One of PIBF’s vendors, Change Healthcare, has experienced a cyber-attack known as ransomware.

While this incident does not directly impact your personal information or Pipeline Industry Benefit Fund, we utilize Change Healthcare’s service to manage the coordination of benefits and member eligibility with Medicare. The Fund’s eligibility is not impacted by this incident, and if your provider needs up-to-date eligibility information, they can access that information using the Provider Portal link on the Fund’s website, PIBF Provider Portal Link.

NEW! Zelis Price Comparison Tool with Member Rewards

‘By utilizing Our Zelis Price Comparison Tool with Member Rewards*, you can:
• Receive personalized estimates based on your health care plan and factor in your remaining deductible, benefit maximums, copayments, and coinsurance.
• Avoid surprises and save money by comparing costs from different doctors and facilities.
• Plan ahead to keep health costs under control and make the best care decisions for you.

* The cost information provided is intended to be used as a reference tool for your convenience. It is not a substitute for medical advice from, or treatment by, a medical professional.

Click the link below! 

Zelis Price Comparison Tool with Member Rewards

NOTE: The Zelis Price Comparison tool with Member Rewards is only available to participants with Active, COBRA, and Retiree Coverage without Medicare.

Access Your 401(k) Account with the New App!

The Trust Company of Oklahoma (TCO) has launched a new app to provide easy, safe, and secure access from your mobile device to your 401(k) account.

Download the app by searching “TCO Retirement” in the app store. Log in to the TCO Retirement app with the username and password you use to access your online Trust Company of Oklahoma retirement account. From this app, you can:

* View current balances and investment options

* Check recent contributions

* Monitor investment performance

* Access messages and important announcements

Click the appropriate link below to open the App Store for your device.


Trouble logging in? Contact a TCO representative at 1-866-239-1042 Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CT

Click Here to download the flyer. 



PIBF provides coverage for up to 4 tests per month per participant through reimbursement only by Sav-Rx. Submit your receipt and required forms to SavRx’s direct member reimbursement department (paper claim). To locate the OTC COVID-19 Test Reimbursement Form, please visit the PIBF Forms tab on our website. Tests purchased will be subject to a $12 maximum per test. Coverage is only available for qualifying tests (FDA authorized) to be utilized by the covered participant and cannot be for employment purposes.

The No Surprises Act

Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills

Effective January 1, 2023

Click HERE to read the PIBF No Surprises Act Notice (revised January 1, 2023)

Effective January 1, 2022

Click HERE to read the PIBF No Surprises Act Notice


MDLIVE – Virtual Visit Option

Beginning April 1, 2023, the MDLIVE program will include the option for behavioral health visits. MDLIVE is a virtual medical visit program offered by BlueCross BlueShield for active and COBRA participants and for participants where PIBF is the primary coverage. This program gives 24/7/365 access to speak to a medical provider from any location. Co-payment for this service will be 30% of the cost of the visit. For a medical visit, the co-payment will remain around $15; however, co-payments for behavioral health will depend on the length and level of visit and the credentials of the medical provider. This co-payment will count toward your annual medical benefits deductible and out-of-pocket expense limit. It will be eligible for reimbursement under the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) by submitting your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) with a completed HRA Claim Form. Plan exclusions apply.

Click the link below to visit MDLIVE.

(918) 280-4800

Email: support@pibf.org

The HRA filing deadline for your 2024 claims is 4/15/2025


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